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Litestructures LiteDeck Stage Sections 2m x 1m
FROM £20.00 EX VAT(Please note all prices are exclusive of VAT + 20% will be added to the final price)
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- 2m x 1m
- 5 kN/m² uniform load rating
- Lightweight yet robust staging solution
- Easy convertible to rolling riser system
- Hard birch plywood topping
- Welded side profiles provide ultimate strength
Litestructures' stage decking system is manufactured from high tensile aluminium alloy grade 6082T6. The material has a 0.2% proof stress of 225MN/m2. The sections are extruded and comply with BSEN755-2.
The decking frame is constructed through the TIG welding process and is carried out in accordance to specifications laid out in BS3019: part 1: Specification for TIG welding of aluminium by welders certified to BS:EN:287-2: Approval testing of welders for fusion welding – part 2: aluminium and its alloys.
The deck is made from 19mm standard grade plywood, similar to that used on truck platforms. It has a high resistance to point loads and can carry the loads associated with staging. 4 corners receive a standard 48mm Scaffold pole and all deck can be linked with m10 bolts (2 holes per side)
A set of calculations are available which show that Litedeck exceeds BS6399: part1: 1996: Code of Practice for Dead and Imposed Loads. The calculations are performed to comply with BS8118:1991: Structural Use of Aluminium and BS5268: Structural Use of Timber : part 2: Code of Practice for Permissible Stress Design, Materials, Workmanship 1984. The staging system as a whole will erect to comply with the IStructE 'Temporary Demountable Structures - Guidance on Design, Procurement and Use (Second Edition)'.
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